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Week One

This is the bible story that can be found in Geneses 1:1-31

Week 2

The story of the creation of Adam and Eve. Genesis 2:1-25

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Week 3

This is the story of  Adam and Eve and how they were deceived by the serpent. Genesis 3:1-24

Week 4

The story of a man named Noah, and how God prepared him and his family from a disaster. Genesis 6:9-22

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Week 5

The story of Noah continues with the first drop of rain and ends with a promise.  Genesis 7 - 9:17

Week 6

This is the story of the Tower of Babel, and how humans believed that they can outdo God.

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Week 7

This is the Story of a man's faithfulness to God as he walks through his most difficult moments.

Week 8

This is the story of God making a promise to Abram. Not only was this promise for his family but for all of us.

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Week 9

This is the story of how God tested Abraham's faith in Him. Would man give up there very thing that God must give up to save everyone? That is the test.

Week 10

This is the story of Abrahams's son Isaac, and his two son's Esau and Jacob. God knew from the beginning that the oldest son would serve the youngest son. This is the beginning of that story.

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Week 11

This is the story of how Jacob trick's his is father into giving the blessing that belonged to Esau.

Week 12

After fleeing his home in fear of his brother. Jacob is on the brink of giving up. This is a story of God continuing the promise that he made to Abraham. God reminds Jacob of that promise.

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Week 13

This is the story of Jacob not giving up until he was blessed. This is also the moment that Jacob becomes face to face with his brother Esau

Week 14

Jacob now has sons of his own, 12 in fact. This is story is the beginning of his son Joseph's story. This epic starts with a couple of dreams.

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Week 15

The Story of Joseph continues. In this story, we see how God can use even the most unfair circumstance.

Week 16

What seems like a story that goes from bad to worse, we see God's purpose in the story. Joseph finally sees that God was in control the whole time.

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Week 17

In the final story in the Joseph saga. Everything comes full circle. Joseph comes face to face to those who thought him dead. How will Joseph react?

Week 18

After 400 years Joseph and his brother's descendants have grown very numerous. The people have grown so large that they became a slave force for the Egyptian nation. This is the first story of how God delivered his people from slavery. 

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Week 19

In this story we see the baby Moses grow into an Egyptian Prince. It is at this time he learns who his people really are.

Week 20

After 40 years Moses is living as a shepherd. Thinking that his life in Egypt was over, Moses saw a burning bush. It's here that God calls Moses to his destiny.

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Week 21

Moses has returned to Eygpt armed with a staff and the power of God. Pharaoh is now going to see just how bad God wants His people free.

Week 22

In the face of certain doom. Moses and the Hebrews are put in a position to experience an impossible miracle from God. 

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Week 23

After leaving captivity the Hebrew people begin to complain that their life did not get better. They begin to ask Moses to go back to Egypt. This is a story of how God supernaturally supplied the needs of His people. 

Week 24

Moses and the people finally make it to Mt. Sinai. It is there they see the Lord descend on the Mountain. God Meets with Moses and gives him ten rules that God's people must follow.

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Week 25

After leaving the mountain, God's people have reached the promised land. Will they trust God and take what was given or will they become frightened of the task?

Week 26

We begin a new era in the story of God's people. Moses has done all he could to prepare the people to enter the promised land. The last thing to do is choose the new leader.

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Week 27

As Israel's new leader, Joshua sends two brave men into enemy territory. These brave men are saved by one of the unlikeliest of heroes. 

Week 28

As God's choosen leader, Joshua is set for his biggest test. God wanted Joshua to know that it is the Lord that delivers victory. So God ordersr Joshua to fight the battle in the stangest way possable. 

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Week 29

This is the time of Judges. When God's people need saving, God would appoint Judges to help deliver His people. This is a story of one of those Judges, and how God used him to save His people.

Week 30

This is the story of Samson. The strong man that was dedicated to God to bring justice for the people. See how God even choose people that we would not suspect.

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